“Empower Your Child”
Citizen Kids Club (CKC)
After-School Hobby Clubs & Childcare
Pinehurst, Seattle
Self-Empowerment & Cultural Competence
Through Social Engagement
Citizen Kids Club (CKC) is an engaging & fun place for school age kids (5-12). This space is designed to be a safe and stress free environment for kids to hang out and explore their hobbies and interests. Specially designed Hobby Camps are offered in informal and fun environment to stimulate children's social emotional development. Furthermore, their interactions, with each other, tools, and multimedia, are sculpted through self-regulated thinking and collaborative approach to problem solving.
Our core philosophy draws upon sociocultural theory whereby learning is primarily considered to be a social process. Interactions with others, within one's ecological sphere, offer unique opportunities for learning and development. The advancement of Information Technologies and increasing use of social media has introduced an added dimension of cyberspace into this ecological sphere. As a result, social proximity is not limited to a few individuals within our immediate geographical location but is now determined by who we know and by our membership to different social networks. The blurring boundaries of public and personal is adding another layer of complexity to the social and emotional development of young children.
We engage kids in purposefully designed activities aimed to develop mindful processing and use of information and effective communication skills. Development of effective communication skills is a key component of our program. We do this in recognition of the important role of communication in construction of one's identity. This ties back to our emphasis on sense making, reflection and self-regulation.
Social-emotional development includes the child’s experience, expression, and management of emotions and the ability to establish positive and rewarding relationships with others. It encompasses both intra- and interpersonal processes.