“Empower Your Child”
Citizen Kids Club (CKC)
After-School Hobby Clubs & Childcare
Pinehurst, Seattle
Self-Empowerment & Cultural Competence
Through Social Engagement
We offer activity clubs and seasonal camps for 5 to 12 year old kids. These Hobby Club-Camps comprise of carefully planned sessions that are developed around fun themes and topics. A variety of hands-on experiences are offered to kids, on individual and group basis, according to their own interest and choice.
The main purpose of these hobby club-camps is to boost sense of self and social competence through positive experience and interaction with people, multimedia and tools. Children decide for themselves about what and how they want to participate by making informed and mindful choices. All activities and experiences are focused on helping them develop critical and self-regulated thinking, interpersonal skills, and empathy towards feelings of others.